School is….out! Ugh, these words make me cringe just typing them.
Today is the official last day of school, and by the time this is posted, the 2022-2023 school year will have already ended. How did so many days go by so fast?
And now…now they’re our problem?! For the entire summer?! Are all the teachers out there sure they don’t love our kids enough to keep them year round? (Obviously I know they’re always our problem/responsibility and we are the greatest teachers at home and blah blah blah…don’t come for me, I’m just saying what we’re all thinking!) I keep seeing this reel going around about how we only have 13 first days of school and only so many summers and so many other limited things with them (of course I can’t find it now). And while that is all true, life (and sometimes the kids themselves) make it hard to take a step back and enjoy those dwindling numbers.
Our school district decided to have a 2 hour early dismissal today. They already don’t start school until 8:40 a.m. Tack on an early dismissal of 1:15 p.m. How are parents supposed to work an 8 hour day?! And we can’t forget any kind of commute they may have. Next time let’s just keep them for the whole day, yeah?
It is a little wild to think back on where we started this year and where we are ending. The beginning of this year was an all out STRUGGLE! Our daughter’s attitude towards school was that it was boring, lame, didn’t want to go, didn’t want to learn, you name it, she said it. Getting her to do homework, an even bigger struggle, and not just for her. It was like pulling teeth trying to get her to focus long enough to read. Often times we would question whether she’s playing possum, just not focused or really wasn’t getting it. Luckily things have turned around and I’m happy that she’s made so much progress! But just so we are clear, we did not thrive, we survived. And now we have to try to maintain what we’ve gained. A goal I’m not even sure is 100% attainable. Our son, he’s always loved school so that was never an issue for him. I think our goal for him this summer is to work on some athletics.
Anywho, let’s get back to the real issue. Summer. The season of “I’m bored.” Listen ya little shit, I’d love to be bored too, but I still have shit to do! Honestly looking back (oh so many years ago, when I was a kid) I don’t ever recall being bored. I was always outside doing something. The times we live in now are based around tv screens, tablets, (phones if they’re old enough) and gaming consoles. Go outside, get creative with your boredom. Come up with ideas that will keep you busy for hours…without my help. I want my kids to be independent and confident in their choices. This is where it all begins – boredom!
Unfortunately most of us likely have a job where we don’t get summers off. Another unfortunate thing is that kids don’t understand that. While I’d like to sit and relax, or play that game with you, I can’t always do that. I also refuse to fill your summer with so many activities that wear you out and put unnecessary stress on me. I can’t be the Pinterest mom because I’m already spread so thin. I’m perpetually exhausted. I’m counting on you to be creative in filling your own time on top of completing certain tasks/chores – you know, pulling your own weight.
I know I can’t be alone in feeling this way. So all my mama friends near and far, don’t be afraid to ask some other mamas/friends/family you trust if you can have a break, and/or offer to be the break for another mama. Don’t feel obligated to keep your kid occupied. Don’t feel inclined to bow down to their insane demands. Hold steady. Be strong. We are all in the summer suck together! Godspeed.