Parenting is one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do in my life. I’m approaching 36, so I have lived some life at this point. To be honest, I never thought I was cut out for parenthood. Frankly, there are days I continue to question whether I still am. How did God think I was capable of keeping little humans alive, don’t mind the whole trying to create an eventual productive member of society?
When I got pregnant with my daughter (now 6), I was scared out of my mind. Not just because I was responsible for something growing inside me, but because I couldn’t see what was happening. Was everything ok in there? The “Type A” personality in me was dying!!! I needed to be in some kind of control, and let me tell you (as most of you probably know) that couldn’t be further from the reality. I could have prepared by reading a shit ton of baby books, buttttt I chose not to. Truthfully, I’m glad I didn’t. With all of the literature out there, nothing could have prepared me (for a mini-me). Not to mention the fact that EVERY kid is different. Each kid will have different personalities. Different reactions. Different senses of humor. Different strengths and weaknesses. Why couldn’t parenthood just be one challenge. Not challenge on top of challenge? Once I gave birth I realized control was no longer a noun. It was a verb! And that shit was out the window!
With the new year having just come and gone, I always resolute to be a more patient mom. Ask me how that’s going.
I do have to give myself some type of credit, my husband has even complimented the same, I have gotten a smidge better. You see, I have a temper. Some may not know that about me, I’d like to think I’m chill and easy going, but once my buttons are pushed…oh man….I’m 0-100 faster than any sports car on and off the market. (I should clarify – my temper only goes as far as yelling). I’m not proud of it. Sorry kids, this is the mom/stepmom you were given. I’m trying to work on it. I now recognize when I’m irrationally (probably not the right word because I’m extremely rational) upset. I take the time to yell. Put everyone in time out (myself included) and then reconvene to discuss why I lost my ever-loving mind. It’s a great way to explain cause and effect. Look at us learning and shit! After all is said and done and emotions and tempers have subsided, I always make it a point to discuss, and to apologize when warranted. I also like to see where they’re coming from and why they made the decisions they did. I will say, sometimes the outcome is simply because they chose to be an asshole.
Speaking of assholes….does anyone else find it hard not to laugh at times when your kid starts acting exactly like you?? Like damn, that was funny as hell, but also you shouldn’t do/say that? The struggle is REAL!
Another resolution I’d like to work on, is being more present/intentional as a parent. With that comes its own challenges. As previously stated, it’s difficult for me to relax if I feel that my to-do list is 3 miles long. However, I do need to cuddle more. Play more games. Bake together. Make effortless memories. And simply enjoy. It’s so easy to take for granted the true blessings I have, many of which others would die for. I’d also like to be more present for my husband and my friends near and far. How quickly days pass and before you know it, it’s been weeks or months, maybe even years since you’ve spoken to that one friend. Here’s your reminder to reach out and tell those special peeps and tell them you miss them.
To close this rambling session out, I’m hoping for some feedback. I’ve been kicking around some ideas of weekly segments for this blog. Something along the lines of “Things I lost my shit over this week;” or “Things I never thought I’d have to say”. What seems more appealing to you guys? Let me know!
10 responses to “Parenting 101…haha just kidding!!! I don’t know WTF I’m doing!”
I love reading about the reality of being a Mom. It’s difficult, but, so rewarding. My kids are all adults and I worry everyday. Are they making the right decisions? Are they safe, warm, hungry, bills paid? Did they get up for work on time? It never ends. I would never change a thing. Never have regrets. Enjoy every second, but, you have to take care of yourself first. Something I’m still learning how to do. Keep on keeping on!
Thanks Candy! Glad you enjoy reading. There’s a lot going on in this little peanut brain of mine, more to come!
K I know it’s hard. I’ve been doing it for almost 36 years. It worry everyday about you and your brother, especially in the professions you have. And yes cook together even if they make a mess, it’s easy to clean. I finally started loving myself over three years now, and you were the one that made me realize it. It took me 52 years. I wish i did more with you. Don’t be me. Love you to pieces my baby girl.
Love you too Mom, I’m trying!
I’m already laughing, I was just waiting for you to say something about being an asshole! Not going to lie, when I saw you post this site on Instagram my initial reaction was this ass is sending people to a website and it’s probably going to be some raunchy joke site or something!
As I sat rocking my almost 1 year old back to sleep, after laying in bed with my 3 year old for 2 hours trying to get her to go to sleep. “Things I lost my shit over this week” coming from you would be funny as hell.
P.S. This is me telling you I miss you ! Can’t wait to see where this goes ♥️
Lol I love that you thought I was punking people! 🙂 Thanks for the feedback, already working on a list of those THINGS I lost my shit over!
All of the above!! The mom brain says “things I lost my shit over” but the teacher/counselor brain says “shit I thought I’d never have to say”.
I’m so glad my mom sent your page to me! I’ve sent it to like 5 other mamas too. Because we all need this. Thank you so much for starting this. It helps more than you know.
I’ll probably have to do both honestly segments, because I have some good (old) content for both topics! So glad you’re here and that you’re loving the content. Sometimes I’d like to say I made it up, but we all know that’s a damn lie. Lol. Thank you so much for sharing with the other mamas! If this can help anyone, even to just provide some comedic relief, then my mission has been accomplished! <3
Kayla – this is great, and telling the truth we all experience. At every age there will always be another challenge and the shift from being a parent to a little to teenager to adult is a journey you will look back on all the time. Would I, Could I, Should I… It’s life, don’t let it tear you down. I agree with the others, the hardest of it all is knowing when to take care of YOU because we as mothers always take the last spot. Then those you care for think that you can handle the world and don’t stop to think what YOU need. SO YES, we ALL need to take care of ourselves! Looking forward to more thoughts, laughs and growth for all of us on the journey.
Cheryl you’re absolutely right. This is just the phase of life I’m in right now. This chapter will soon close and another will open with its own set of challenges. Luckily I’m a tough bitch, but still….lol.